Installing MySQL on Leopard
MySQL now provides compiled binaries for Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard. But the startup applet doesn’t work properly yet on Leopard.
Notes from the cloud by Eric Johnson
MySQL now provides compiled binaries for Mac OSX 10.5 Leopard. But the startup applet doesn’t work properly yet on Leopard.
So you want to use Git for distributed version control For Mac OS X 10.5 there are a couple of options for installing Git.
So you want to use Git the latest hotness in distributed version control. It builds easily using the instructions in the INSTALL file.
Last spring I attended the NetSquared conference, a competition for nonprofits using the net. The projects were fabulous, with MapLight winning first prize. As part of each project’s pitch, we heard what these organizations, some fledgling, some established, needed.
A friend’s client wanted to help Ghana. Microlending seemed to be a good way to do it. The client would collect money in the US, and fund small loans to farmers and entrepreneurs in Ghana. The web might even make the first half of this — collecting money and telling the stories of who was helped — easy.
Leopard does not (yet?) backup to a disk attached to an Airport base station, to lots of people’s concern. But OS X version 10.5.1 will backup over the network – to another Mac. It works just fine over wired or wifi networks, so it works for MacBooks.