I like Apple’s computers and phones. (It’s a vice, I know.) Over the past couple of weeks all of this iPad, iPhone iNews has allowed for plenty of indulgence of that vice.
But yesterday, Steve Jobs said something that could impact how people find nonprofits - and everybody else - online. He said folks using the iPhone:
Great recipes (zillions of them) – and in-app advertising done right.
Back in the web 1.0 days, Conde Nast put all of the recipes from Gourmet and its other food magazines online at http://epicurious.com. The recipes were searchable and over time Epicurious added ratings and other community features.
It’s been a fabulous resource for cooks. They are great recipes, and there are lots of them – including the 1955 recipe for steak au poivre that keeps me from going vegetarian.
Call me a news snob. I subscribe to The Economist. I read The Guardian’s RSS feed. I don’t have a TV (well, not one that can receive a signal anymore) On the road, I tend to tiptoe around the USA Todays that lurk outside my hotel room door.