
Tag: search

Just where are we paying attention?

I like Apple’s computers and phones. (It’s a vice, I know.) Over the past couple of weeks all of this iPad, iPhone iNews has allowed for plenty of indulgence of that vice. But yesterday, Steve Jobs said something that could impact how people find nonprofits - and everybody else - online. He said folks using the iPhone:

  • Spend about 30 minutes a day using apps
  • Are using apps, not searching

Google Sidewiki - Danger, says Jeff Jarvis

Google is trying to take interactivity away from the source and centralize it. This isn’t like Disqus, which enables me to add comment functionality on my blog. It takes comments away from my blog and puts them on Google. That sets up Google in channel conflict vs me. It robs my site of much of its value (if the real conversation about WWGD? had occurred on Google instead of at Buzzmachine, how does that help me?). On a practical level, only people who use the Google Toolbar will see the comments left using it and so it bifurcates the conversation and puts some of it behind a hedge.